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Last Tuesday Happy Hour 5:00-6:00 pm
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About this event
Please join Park Avenue Lofts’ MCC members Penny Hunt, Mary and Austin Indritz, Dianne Iverson, Ann Bitter and Lyn Parker, Karen and Rick Wald, hosts for Last Tuesday Happy Hour at La Madre, the newest restaurant in the Mill City District. Come for hosted Mexican Street Food appetizers; drinks (margaritas, beer, wine) will be Dutch Treat. Members are encouraged to make reservations for dinner after the Happy Hour via the restaurant website:, or phone 612-200-8061.
Metered on-street parking is available.
Interested in carpooling? Click on the registrant list and find a member in your building or near you that you can connect with and ask to share a ride. Or, feel free to contact the MCC office for a suggestion.
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