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How Can MCC Men “Move the Dial” on Wellness and Vitality? 3:30-5:00 pm
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About this event
Do you experience less endurance as you age? Is balance an issue for you? Can you relate to one MCC man who said, “I haven’t touched my toes since I was six?" Help is on the way! Certified personal trainer Robyn Bruggeman, Jill Lipset, certified trainer and co-owner of Power House gym, and Julie Causey, CrossFit athlete and certified trainer (and also Sonia’s Cairns' daughter and John Cairns’ step-daughter), will talk to our male members about issues of men as they age. As men lose muscle mass, strength, and flexibility, they become less stable and confident. Robyn, Jill and Julie will address these changes, and the mechanisms that cause them, as well as conditioning, exercise, and nutrition strategies that work. Join us as these trainers/athletes help us “move the dial” towards our own wellness and fitness.
Please wear comfortable clothing and shoes.
Interested in carpooling? Click on the registrant list and find a member in your building or near you that you can connect with and ask to share a ride. Or, feel free to contact the MCC office for a suggestion.
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