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About Us
Join a community of place and purpose

We're a welcoming and inclusive neighborhood "village" within the city of Minneapolis - and a community unlike any other. Everything we do is geared toward bringing more abundance into our lives.  We learn. We share.  We engage.  We give.  And we have a heck of a lot of fun together.
So what makes this group so special?

We’re out there. Literally! You’ll find our members at gyms and on walking paths, in coffee shops and community meetings, at ball games and classes and exploring the neighborhood on a Nosy Neighbor Tour. With a wonderful calendar of events to choose from, there’s something for all. 

We’re part of the rich tapestry of our city. We celebrate diversity of all kinds and the value it brings to our lives, as well as the character and contributions we add to the mix. We welcome the personal growth that comes from interactions with others of all ages and from all walks of life.

We love to share. Our life experiences are among our greatest treasures, and many of us enjoy sharing this wealth with others. We give back through helping each other, participating in community engagement projects, and developing our rich calendar of social, educational and wellness activities.

We support one another. Sometimes all we need is a friend who will listen. Other times, we need more resources to help us navigate life’s ups and downs. Mill City Commons offers both. We’re committed to meeting the changing health and lifestyle needs of our members as they age, knowing that “support” can be both practical and magical.

We offer choices.  We make it easy for members to choose when to engage, where to give of their time and how to revel in all our neighborhood has to offer.  We're here to listen, to help and to open doors to new member opportunities.  We hope you'll choose to give one of our events a whirl.


Mill City Commons
1201 W River Pkwy, Suite #217C
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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