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Men's Dutch Lunch 12:00-1:00 pm
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Registration Info
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Registration cancellations will be accepted
About this event
This casual, Dutch-treat lunch at Klassic's Kitchen alternates weeks with Men’s Breakfast. There’s no program, but good conversation happens here! Please register, so we can let the restaurant know how many to expect. If you would like to be added to the Thursday Dutch Lunch list or suggest a topic for discussion, email
Interested in carpooling? Click on the registrant list and find a member in your building or near you that you can connect with and ask to share a ride. Or, feel free to contact the MCC office for a suggestion.
Not a member and wish to attend this program? Contact Jane Stacy at
Number of People Who Will Attend
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* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
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