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HomeEventsTPT Viewers Like Us Program: Relish/Forage to Fork: Fried Wild Rice 3:00-4:30 pm

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TPT Viewers Like Us Program: Relish/Forage to Fork: Fried Wild Rice 3:00-4:30 pm

Date and Time

Thursday, February 20, 2025, 3:00 PM until 4:30 PM


Mill City Commons Office, Room 215 and Hybrid
1201 West River Parkway
Minneapolis, MN  55454

Videoconference information will be provided in an email once payment is received.

Event Contact(s)

Jane Stacy



Registration Info

Registration is required
Registration cancellations will be accepted

About this event

MCC is partnering with TPT's Viewers Like Us Program for a series of programs to explore and discuss thought-provoking videos. This first set of three programs will be focused on Native American culture and history.

For this first video, we will view Relish/Forage to Fork: Fried Wild Rice. Relish shares stories and recipes of cultural heritage in Twin Cities communities through the universal language of food. In this episode, host Yia Vang explores centuries-old traditional techniques, like foraging with ethnobotanist Linda Black Elk and harvesting manoomin (wild rice) with expert ricers Veronica Skinaway and Michaa Aubid, to make a modern meal of fried wild rice with chef Sean Sherman. You will taste the rich history of Indigenous food in Minnesota!

After watching the video, we will discuss how food connects people to their culture, each other, and their community.

Although you are invited to attend any of the TPT "Viewers Like Us Club" sessions, members are encouraged to sign up for all three programs to receive the full value of the opportunity.  Additionally, for those staying in Minnesota, we we do encourage you to attend the series in-person, but individuals can participate virtually as well.  

Interested in carpooling? Click on the registrant list and find a member in your building or near you that you can connect with and ask to share a ride. Or, feel free to contact the MCC office for a suggestion.

Number of People Who Will Attend

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Mill City Commons
1201 W River Pkwy, Suite #217C
Minneapolis, MN 55454
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